Events at TheZone


Simchas Torah - Boys only-Oct. 23-Oct. 26

Busses leaving 10:30 Wednesday Morning and departing TheZone one hour after Yom Tov ends Tuesday night. There is a $50 fee. Bus locations will be offered based on demand, please chose from below locations.

Girls Sukkos Chol Hamoed Trip-Oct. 20-Oct. 22

Busses leaving the cities to Six Flags Sunday morning. Leaving Six Flags Sunday Night.

Leaving TheZone Tuesday morning after Breakfast.

All bussing bases on demand.

Sukkos First Days - DU and Teens Girls-Oct. 16-Oct. 20

All Busses based on demand.

Leaving the cities Erev Sukkos Oct 2nd 9 AM.

Bussing not garunteed for the way back Motzei Yom Tov. There will be bussing after the Chol Hamoed Trip.